iPad Air 3
아이패드에 개발환경 구성하기 - Blink Shelletc. 2020. 7. 1. 03:43
작업 환경의 최적화를 타협하더라도 어디서든 서버에 접근하기 위해 노트북보다 훨씬 휴대성이 좋은 IPad를 이용하기로 했습니다. - 아이패드 Air 3세대 10.5" 이용 사용한 앱은 Blink Shell, 굉장히 유료입니다. Blink Shell: Mosh & SSH Client We had no choice. We had to build Blink or we were going to jump out the window in frustration over the tools we were using. We started by analyzing what the must-haves were and we ended up grounding Blink on these four concepts: • Fast re..